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New Blog!

Published 12/12/2021

Say Hello To My New Blog!

In this very secret place, I will share with you the events that I have experienced in my daily life, school life and business life and that I think are interesting. As my first post, I will talk about how I made this site.

So Why Do I Need a Blog?

I experience many interesting, exciting and informative events during the day. I would like to share this information with people in some way. Anyone who knows me even a little knows how much I love helping people and sharing my knowledge and experiences with them. However, sometimes page by page articles can written for the things I need to tell. And imagine if you had to tell this to several people individually... 😣 - I'm tired already! - As a solution to this situation, I plan to host the things that interest me and that I think will be of interest to you, here forever (!). I hope I will be successful in my goal. 😊

Technologies Used (Back-End)

If you take a look at the site, you'll probably understand the technologies I use, but let me talk a little bit anyway. As the server (the host where all the articles I share are collected), I didn't want to do too much. To be honest I didn't do anyting at all. 😁 I set up a very simple JSON server and stored all my posts there. Will it cause problems in the future? Probably...

But we will consider these issues in the future. Now I would like to talk about how I set up this server. As I said at the beginning, I created a simple server with many features without writing any code. While creating this server, I used the json-server system of a developer named @Typicode.

json-server is a fake back-end builder mostly preferred by front-end developers. When you place a simple JSON file on a server with this tool, it allows you to do anything you want with this file under your server's domain name. (In short, you link a domain name to your JSON file and you can access this JSON file with any browser) This tool puts front-end developers at ease when building a site and allows them to quickly test everything they do. However, this does not mean that we cannot use this system as a back-end! 😎

With this system that allows me to set up a back-end quite easily, I created this article with a few lines of code. However, as you can imagine, this process will be quite difficult. After all, editing a JSON file can be pretty tedious at times.

And as a rather lazy person, I decided to use Markdown to simplify this process a bit. Markdown, which is quite famous among bloggers, made my job very easy. However, we need to somehow convert the articles we wrote with Markdown into HTML code so that browsers can recognize these contents. let it show you as a website just like it is now. For this, I prepared a small system with JavaScript. It converts Markdown files that I wrote with this system to HTML codes and these codes are converted to a JSON file named db.json. And ta-da! 🎉 We now have a server.

Technologies Used (Front-End)

This is where the real troublesome part was. The front-end part is an important part that everyone sees with their own eyes and comments according to what they see. For this reason, it deserves more attention. I want to give people a good experience.

While doing the front-end part, I used Next, a React framework. Next is a framework that I will definitely use in every project with its existing routing system and multiple data fetching features. Any CSS support (SCSS, SASS, LESS), both TypeScript support, server-side rendering support... In short, everything you need.

Besides Next, I also handled the state container business using Redux and this is how I provide data transfer between Component. I also used Bootstrap as the CSS framework.

Final Words

Thank you for reading this far and spending your valuable time. Hope to see you again in a similar article in the future... 😘

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